
Ras Al Khaimah

RIDE Spinning Studio creates an immersive audiovisual experience

RIDE is the first boutique indoor spinning studio in Ras Al Khaimah, UAE, offering classes with pumped-up tunes and rhythmic beats. The client wanted to create an immersive, club-like fitness experience where members would go beyond their limits while experiencing the fun in the movement. Procom came on board to provide the supply, technical installation…
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Tel: +97142369777

WhatsApp: +971505047526

Mail: sales@procom-me.com

For general inquiries:

Mail: info@procom-me.com

Office, Showroom, Warehouse, and
Service center opens from
Monday till Friday - 9am till 6pm
Saturday - 9am till 3pm
9, 51st street, DIP 2, Dubai, 35428, UAE