
Procom Middle East is hosting an in-depth Madrix Training in Dubai

Procom Middle East is organizing a Madrix lighting software training in Dubai on the 18th and 19th of February 2019.

Madrix is the leading software in LED pixel control and mapping. It includes a full range of software & hardware products used to create LED pixel lighting control effects.
Endless, innovative and fully customizable visuals are created using pixel mapping (2D), voxel mapping (3D), and the built-in graphics engine and rendering engine.

Madrix Training includes an overview of the hardware,  hands-on training on the software and tips and tricks to learn how to use Madrix range of products, and design amazing LED lighting solutions.

The training is addressed for both beginner and advanced users who would like to expand their knowledge in pixel lighting control.

The two days training will be offered in English and will allow participants to:



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