
A40306G4- BlueBox RDM/DMX Controller. Ethernet Node 512Ch.

The controller is built with a set of features specifically for the W-DMX™ G4 range. Built from the ground up specifically for controlling large rigs of RDM enabled products, the Wireless Solution BlueBox RDM Controller allows users to search for any RDM enabled product in a DMX/RDM Network, automatically patch the fixture, and control the fixture, as well as receive status updates on the fixture and configure settings such as fixture mode, lamp on/off and more.  This makes the Bluebox RDM controller perfect for quick setup and programming of DJ and live event rigs (much quicker than an equivalent DMX console due to the fast automation that RDM allows for), and is ideal for autonomous monitoring of large-scale lighting installations in architectural environments.

SKU: A40306G4 Category: Brand:

Product Description

The Bluebox RDM controller will automatically search for and find any G4S transmitters and RDM enabled G4S receivers and display them clearly on the screen.  Useful information, such as signal strength and wireless channels used can be displayed, and useful configuration options such as signal power, transmitter/receiver pairing and compatibility modes can be set up quickly and easily from dedicated W-DMX™ menus.  Users can also see which RDM fixtures are connected through which W-DMX™ receiver, simplifying installation.

The DMX controller allows cue lists to be built, coupled with powerful timing control to enable automatic, architectural or event lighting to take place, with minimal user intervention.  The clear, concise fixture alerting system alerts the user if there are any problems with fixtures on screen and by email, virtually eliminating all manual checking of fixtures in fixed installations.  The cue list quick select allows dynamic shows to be programmed and run ‘on-site’.

The Bluebox RDM controller comes as an Ethernet dongle and PC software, and is optimized for touch-screen PCs.  Use of a simple wireless LAN allows the controller to be brought practically anywhere in a venue, making patching, focusing, testing and programming much easier.  Multiple dongles can be used for multiple universes of DMX/RDM, allowing a practically unlimited system size.

  • Fully featured RDM (ESTA E1.20) and DMX (ESTA E1.11) controller with the free BlueBox RDM controller software, compatible with all RDM capable equipment
  • Art-Net to DMX, and DMX to Art-Net conversion (Art-Net 1 and 2 supported), and support for sACN
  • RDM packet injection (for conventional RS-485 Systems), with conventional 5-pin DMX in and RDM out
  • DMX controller mode (with Etherlight Browser)
  • RDM ‘loopback’ mode for testing RDM functionality
  • Field-updatable with future firmware updates – never goes obsolete

Additional information

Weight 0.0 kg
Dimensions 0.0 × 0.0 × 0.0 cm

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