
PR15 Pro - Pitch Roof

The Eurotruss PR15 Pro Roof consists of a TTS Ground Support on ten TD50 Towers and a Roof Structure of special tent profiles with integrated keder rail.  It is the big brother of the PR10, same in design and concept but delivering more clearance (an additional 3m) and approx 50% more load capacity than the PR10.

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Product Description

The PR15 Pro Roof is a tower-based structure with a pitched roof. This pitched roof features a standard TTS cantilever. On the sides, there is a 3-meter truss positioned at the front towers, each of which can support a PA load of 3,000 kg.

The PR15 is designed, engineered and manufactured with possibility of reducing the width by 4/4,14m without adding any new material. It’s the only pitch roof that can be rebuilt in various sizes. The integrated Layher scaffolding stage and decks assure a safe and solid stage for performers.

In the PR15 Pro, all extra’s are included: the cantilever, the 8 bridges as well as the side souses (cow sheds) and back storage. Loading dock and LED wings are standard. This roof meets all the required international standards set by light & stage designers of concerts and events. 


Tower structure – Ten TD50 Towers integrated in Scaffolding
Main truss – TTS Truss
Spreader truss – HD44/HD34
Side Houses – 4,14 / 4 x 12 m (wxd)
PA Pick Up Point – Integrated in Cantilever
Stage  – Fully scaffolding with Eurotruss Decks
Stage entrance – Two staris & Loading Dock
Canopies – Full PVC Roof & Walls in bags (Black / Grey)
Hoists – 12x 2 Ton Hoists, 2x 8-way controller
Documentation – Structural reports & Manuals
Training – First set-up training together with Eurotruss
Ballast – Ballast Profi, Water Tanks, Concrete etc.
Tools & Spare parts – Extended range of tools & spare parts


Size* –  25×17 / 24×17 m
Amount of bridges – 7 bridges + cantilever
 Weight – 49.300 kg


Data Sheet

For sales and after-sales support:

Tel: +97142369777

WhatsApp: +971505047526

Mail: sales@procom-me.com

For general inquiries:

Mail: info@procom-me.com

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Service center opens from
Monday till Friday - 9am till 6pm
Saturday - 9am till 3pm
9, 51st street, DIP 2, Dubai, 35428, UAE