
TC4000 SMPTE Timecode Reader / Writer

The TC4000 is a SMPTE Timecode converter, It converts analog timecode SMPTE to Midi Timecode (MTC) via USB. This allows for connection as a midi device, allowing for simultaneous input and output of LTC. Because Its over midi, there is no need for an extra driver for this unit, and will work with windows drivers out of the box.

SKU: 15-651-10057 Categories: , Brand:

Product Description

In reading mode, the TC4000 decodes incoming LTC timecode and passes it to BEYOND software. Playback of your laser show is then locked to the incoming SMPTE timecode. If timecode stops, the laser show stops (alternatively, you can set the show to continue “freewheeling”). Once timecode starts again, the laser show and starts again.

Additional information

Weight 0.71 kg
Dimensions 0.0 × 0.0 × 0.0 cm


User Manual

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