
Dubai English Speaking School

- Dubai, UAE

Dubai English Speaking School Modernizes its Hall with Full AVL Solution

Following on from the successful upgrade of the audio system in the main hall two years ago, Dubai English Speaking School decided to fully renovate its theatre, including lighting, sound, video, staging, and control.

The hall was extremely reverberant due to the large volume and big surface area. Therefore, a full-room acoustical treatment was provided.

First, the existing roof structure was replaced with over 900 acoustical ceiling tiles. Then, 2-meter bands of acoustical wall panels were installed on the left and right walls of the hall to bring the reverb time down to an acceptable level.

The Audio solution consisted of a main line array of four DAS Audio Event-208A cabinets per side, with two double  Action-218A subwoofers, a set of Q-23-T compact speakers, four Action-12 speakers, a pair of compact stage monitors Action-8, along with a QLX microphone system. Behringer S16 digital stage box was added to the existing digital mixer.

The Lighting installation included two Relay racks for power distribution and a combination of fixtures from Cyclops Lighting: six PR 400F profile spots, six PR 300W LED profile, six FR 200F LED fresnel, twelve FR 150W LED fresnel, six SPARKLY WASH 19, six LEDE 300S, twenty XL-18 LED par, and ten CPX 416OB LED wash bars. Two haze machines HZ-350 from Antari were used to enhance the lighting and create aerial effects.

The lighting system was controlled by Titan Mobile console and Titan Mobile Wing from Avolites.

A new stage was built using Eurotruss professional stage decks Pro Deck, Telescopic Legs, Handrails, and adjustable Stairs.

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9, 51st street, DIP 2, Dubai, 35428, UAE