

- Dubai, UAE

Lit Cycling Launches New Studios with Cyclops Lighting and DAS Audio

Lit cycling is the latest fitness studio to open in Dubai, offering a range of daily cycling and fitness classes across 2 studios.

They wanted to create an exclusive studio design that represented their identity for their branding: LIT (Loud, Inclusive, Transformative). Procom partnered with LIT as the supplier of professional audio-visual equipment and worked together on the brand’s technical concept and design for the new studios.

Triangle-shaped Pixibar48IS and Pixibar24IS were installed on the walls and ceilings of both studios. Along with this, XL54UV and XL30 Pars were added to emphasize the lighting effect. Lighting Control was achieved via Madrix Luna 8 together with the Madrix entry key for each room.

Artec-312.96 and Artec-322S loudspeakers from DAS Audio were selected as the system of choice offering the clarity and power needed. The system is powered by the DAS PA amplifier range. The sound system is run by a Symetrix Jupiter 8 audio processing along with Arc-2E wall-mounted controllers.

Both studios were fully designed with acoustical treatment in mind and acoustical panels were installed on all studio surfaces that required them.

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Mail: info@procom-me.com

Office, Showroom, Warehouse, and
Service center opens from
Monday till Friday - 9am till 6pm
Saturday - 9am till 3pm
9, 51st street, DIP 2, Dubai, 35428, UAE